Saturday, March 31, 2012

Value of Time

Value of Time
          Time is always changing. It is all powerful. Even the natural phenomena have followed times. You may wonder how regular the heavenly bodies are in their movements. A tundra plant has to complete its life cycle before the short summer season of merely a month or two is over. Human life span is also so short. We have much to do before we expire. The success of human life also depends highly upon the regularity, punctuality and speed.
     There is best time for each of our daily activities such as working, eating and sleeping. Early riser enjoys fresh morning and gets enough time for the day but the late riser is troubled due to lack of time. Time comes but never waits. As a proverb goes - 'time and tide wait for no man'. We have to grab right time for right action. 'Hit the iron when it is hot'. Everything has right time to get it done. Our efforts go in vain if right time is lost. Fertilizers used in the ripening crops have no effect at all. A patient not taken to hospital in time loses his/her life. A flight may be missed just by a minute. But a timely arrival of fire fighter may protect a building from destruction.
     Time can be compared with a bullet fired which never returns. Time wasted can never be truly recovered. To realize the value of one second you can ask a person who has avoided an accident. An Olympic winner has really understood the value of one millisecond. so every moment of time is valuable. Work done late is sometimes no work done. Work done late is sometimes no work done. but 'a stitch in time saves nine'. Timely responses prevent further loss and even loss can be recovered completely if timely corrections are made.
     Learners have to utilize their time very wisely. They have to strictly follow the routine. They should be regular to their classes. They should never waste their study hours. 'idleness is devil's workshop.' They should utilize even  their recess time properly and usefully. Tomorrow never comes, when it comes it is already today. So it's  wrong to postpone our work. At the same time one must understand the gravity of time. The value of time is relative. it depends upon the situations and circumstances we are in. A day before an exam is priceless but the day after may not be so urgent and important. Similarly every minute in an exam hall is so valuable.
     Time management is important in all works of life. but we must also utilize enough time for a job. Hasty jobs often turn into failure. 'The faster method of getting something done is to do it only once'. A thought worker performs well and also saves time. To conclude anyone who makes right utilization of time is crowned with success while the one who wastes time fails and has only to repent.


          Television (TV) is one of the most marvelous marvelous of modern science and technology. It is an device that receives audio-visual signals to produce the s and sounds. Started in the first half of the 20th century, on has been developing a lot and now it is one of the most important means of communication as well as entertainment for of the people throughout the world. Cable, satellite and have really revolutionized the world of television.
       The most important feature of television is the audio-presentation of scenes or events. Television viewers enjoy unprecedented access to the world outside their own community heir own home. Television is the main source of information the events and situations of the world. It can present the I picture of the world. Even the development of wars and ion campaign can be broadcast live. There are different meals and programmes to fit the diverse tastes of the viewers. Vision allows its audiences to actively interpret meanings of programmes through discussions. It also brings innovative is of entertainment. Televisions present themselves as the jc watchdogs and help in forming popular wish. They are popular means of advertisements and notices.
       The other side is rather unpromising. Televisions may to present the reality of the world simply because they have limitation on. how much they can cover. Complex problems may L simplified or distorted due to editing and presentation technique. Television represses the creativity of the viewers because it doesn’t permit their active participation. Television has discouraged people from searching for knowledge and understanding because it provides them easy and less entertainment. Television also makes people lazier and varied in their social habits.
       Television may have effect in amplifying violence, society because it gives a sense that the world is a more place than it really is. Televisions tend to reduce the difference between reality and fantasy. Many television viewers w their time for futile shows. Even children spend reduced time their studies due to Television. They get their eye-c damaged. Programmes designed for adult people may Ii negative impact on children. Advertisements on television often exaggerated and false. Likewise, this mass communication means can be misused in favour of a political party contesting election or ruling high-handedly. Mostly televisions are be used as an instrument in the worldwide spread of the West culture and hegemony.
       In spite of these few drawbacks, television continues remain the most important form of mass communication in new century as well. It has become an unprecedented window the world. It is still a direct, personal and intimate means communication. Everything has darker side and there c chances of its misuse. How useful television can be also depends upon the faculty of users. Television should be used for the go of the viewers. Everyone should be selective of TV channels a programmes.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Technical Education

Technical Education
          Technical education is different from the education we iderstan4 in ordinary sense. It means teaching and learning about the use of machinery and methods from schools, colleges Technical institutes. In other words, it is a process of acquiring practical skills on various works. Technical education follows the sic or compulsory phase of education. But it is not detached completely from theoretical education. Vocational training is a simple example of technical education.
            Technical education is rather a modern form of education. It emerged with the development of industries, industries, transport and communication of the modern time. It vides both theoretical and practical knowledge in using instruments and machines. It imparts special mechanical knowledge and skills on various fields such as engineering, knowledge and agriculture. Technical education trains a person to industrious and innovative. It provides knowledge of technology. The knowledge obtained is thus practical and job-oriented. Technical education needs to be adjusted to the changes in technologies and new jobs available in markets.
            The modern world is the world of engines and machines. Technologies are always advancing. So, one should have knowledge on how they work and should be used. It is absolutely to produce technically skilled manpower for all-round development of every country. It is the only way to build up the economy of underdeveloped or developing countries. The scope of technical education is so extensive. Science mostly depends on technical minds. In fact, industrial revolution is based on technical innovations.
            The rapid success achieved by developed countries such as Japan, the USA and Germany is mostly due to their technical education. Nepal is backward because it lacks such education. We are depending on foreign technology and foreign technician. So, we have to pay a lot for services. Amenities here are poor] organized and distributed. Most of our vast resources are lea, unused. Our vast human resource is still so unproductive. There is mass unemployment even among highly educated people. Agriculture is our main economic activity but it is only subsistent activity. True industrialization has not started yet. Trade deficit is very high. The only way to face all these challenges is to prioritize and expand technical education.
            Technical education will make our human resource more instrumental in our social and economic development. Our resources wi4l be utilized and living standard will be raised. Even those going out for foreign employment will get better jobs. We will be able to revive our self-esteem. To sum up, technical education is essential for young minds to sustain in this competitive world. Education without technical application is not complete and worthy. This practical education is the need of all in the modern age. So the government has to adopt a strong policy of developing and expanding technical education.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Red Cross

Red Cross
          Red Cross is now the largest and probably the most active international humanitarian organization of the world. It known as Red Crescent in Muslim countries and Red Star Israel. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cross Societies (IFRCS) has more than 250 million member worldwide. Nepal is among the 176 countries which now have  their national Red Cross or Red Crescent societies. Internatio1 Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) made up of up to 25 S% citizens is the core organization.
            Red Cross was founded by a Swiss banker, Jean He1 ‘Dunant in 1863. But his idea of founding such organization ca in 1859 when, during his holiday in Italy, he witnessed an law battle at Solferino. Appalled by the scene of thousands soldiers killed or wounded in a single day in a complete lack of care, Dunant published a book and called for groups volunteers in every country. Responding to his call, 16 countries  for a conference at Geneva and formed the organization After a year in 1864, under the leadership of Red Cross, countries signed the Geneva Convention which is now a cod conduct for war for protecting wounded soldiers, Red Cr volunteers, prisoners of wars and civilian population. The same meeting adopted the white flag with a red cross. It is reversion of the Swiss flag which has white cross on background. Muslim countries have their modified white with crescent moon and Israel that with red star.
            Now Red Cross provides humanitarian service for victims of war as well as natural disasters. During wartime is offers aid to alleviate the sufferings of the victims such as wounded soldiers, non-army people and prisoners of war. It also provides emergency aid to the victims of natural disasters such as earthquake and flood. During peacetime, it renders service to improve the health of the general public. Blood bank management, ambulance service, mobile health camps, health training, tree plantation and sanitation are among the main functions of the Red Cross volunteers.
            Red Cross services have been proved exclusively, important both in wartime and in peacetime. It has played vital role in rescuing, treating and rehabilitating the victims of all major wars and disasters. Its recognizable emblem is worn by the volunteers administering emergency aids as in battlefield. It has got fervent recognition from the world community. The founder was awarded the first Nobel Prize for Peace in 1901. In addition, the ICRC has been awarded the prize three times so far.
Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) was established in 1953. Each district has its District Chapters (DCs). There are Nepal Junior Red Cross and Youth Red Cross for students and youths to be linked with the NRCS. It runs wide ranging projects in the management of the war and disaster victims as well as in raising the status of public health. It works together with many NGO’s, governmental departments and local people dedicated in health sector.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

World War II
          The Treaty of Versailles that settled World War I did not treat the defeated nations fairly. The seeds of another war were sown in it because Germany in particular was vengeful for the harsh terms and it was vowed to compensate  its loss. The League of Nations, founded on the treaty for promoting world peace and security, was openly defined by Germany, Russia, Italy and Japan sooner and later. German dictator Adolph Hitler commanded promising support from the people hard hit by economic hardship and hurt by the discriminatory treaty. He developed Germany again as a war machine and started territorial aggressions. With Italy and Japan, Germany made a military alliance called Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis. It was a great threat to the democratic countries such as Britain, France made a military alliance called Rome-Berlin-tokyo Axis. It was a great USA. In the Spanish Civil War Germany and Russia that supported the opposing parties could test their arms and war techniques. Germany was all inspired by the victory of the rebel leader General Franco backed by it. When Poland did not submit to its demand of Dazing area,  Germany started the lighting war 'blitzkrieg'  on 1 Sep 1939. After two days, Britain and France declared war on Germany. This was the beginning of the second Great War.
          Would II started between the Axis consisting of Germany, Japan and Italy and the Allies consisting of Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union. France joined the Allies on the very day. Later some forty-five other nations such as Brazil, Canada, India, Australia, Mexico, Iran and Egypt, etc. joined the Allies and six others namely Bulgaria, Hungary, Thailand, Finland and Albania joined the Axis. The war was more widespread and devastating than World War I.
          In the beginning years, Germany made continuous break thoughts. Along with Poland, it captured Norway Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Yugoslavia and Greece. It also attacked the British and Russian Forces ferociously.  By December 7, Japan attacked Hawaii and invited intensive attacks from the USA. By mid-1942 Japan had captured many southeast countries of Asia and almost all the Pacific Island. But the year 1942 was giving a different turn to the war. The Allies were able to so the Axis from occupying Africa, the Soviet Union, and the Pacific. They landed on Italy in 1943 and Italy surrendered. The Allied forces also reached the German capital of Berlin from the west and east forcing it to surrender on May 7, 1945. But in the Pacific, heavy battles were still on. In June the Americans captured Okinawa; still the Japanese would not surrender. Finally, the USA dropped two atom bombs, one on Hiroshima and August 6, 1945 and the other on Nagasaki after three days. The two great cities were compactly ruined. Then Japan agreed to surrender unconditionally on Aghast 14 and signed a peace agreement on September 2 the same year.
          The war caused unprecedented loss of life and property. The death toll might be much higher than the estimated 60 millions. The total cost of the war is inestimable. Industries and cities were heavily destroyed. But the war brought the colonial rule to its end. Many countries such as India got independence. The United Nations Organization, the new bt stronger form of the League of Nations come into existence. Some of the former colonies would be the responsibility of the UN Trusteeship Council. As another effect of the war, the systems of government as in Japan were changed. After the war, the major would conflict shifted to between the USSR and the USA. The conflict known as Cold War would prevail for another half centaury.               

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

World War I

World War I
          World War I, one of the most violent human conflicts, was fought between the Allies consisting of France, Russia and Great Britain the at backed Serbia, and the Central Powers consisting of Austria-Hungary and Germany. Later twenty other nations such as the United States, China, Italy and Japan joined the Allies and Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire jointed the Central Powers.
        The war was a result of a longtime hostility and tension throughout the European territories. Excessive nationalism developing among the Europeans made them to highly aggressive to their enemies. They made strong and rapid military build-ups, all 'for the glory and greatness of their nations.' For instance, Germany alone had 4.2 million soldiers in 1914. Besides their military build-ups at home, they made military alliances shaping hostility between each other. There was also cutthroat competition among the powerful nations for colonies mainly in Asia and Africa. The falling Ottoman Empire also provided for their races for territorial expansions. Austria-Hungary took over Bosnia Herzegovina from Serbia after the Second Balkan War of 1913.
        One June 28, 1914 Austro-Hungarian heir Archduke Ferdinand, was shot dead in the Bosnian capitates of Sarajevo by Vavrilo Principle, a member of Black Hand Society instituted for Serbian unity. The victim's nation blamed Serbia for the assassination  and declared was on it. Russia started to fight Austria-Hungary, so Germany declared war on Russia and France German entry into Belgium also pulled Britain against   the Central Powers. The war was fought in four major areas in and around Europe. Trenches  were dug from North Sea to Swiss Alps in the western front where German troops fought heavily against the French and British in the beginning and finally against the American troops, too. The eastern front remained a site of Russo-German battles. There were also heavy battles in the Balkans and the Middle East.
        The war was fought awfully with deadly inventions. Use of machine guns, long-range artilleries, grenades, aero planes, armored tanks, submarines and poisonous gas caused  horrendous  casualties. Armies fought in dreadful conditions as that of muddy trenches against the barbed wire fence, advancing little through the no-man's land and retreating. Even the civilian population was not protected. The warring nations would make every possible effort for victory. Youths were massively recruited. As soldiers were killed and injured, more older and younger men had to be sent. Uniforms and arms had to be manufactured. Land was cultivated 'for victory' .    
        Germany had won many battles in European battlefronts by 1916. In 1917 Russian armies deserted the battlefields due to a revolution in their land. The United States joined the Allies in 1917 when German submarines began to sink the farmer's unarmed ships. With abundant support from the new partner, the Allies made the Central Powers surrender in autumn 1918. The war was officially ended by an armistice  signed in France on November 11. Germany withdrew immediately from all occupied territories and surrendered all major weapons. Later on the 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed with a proposal to institute the League of nations, the first international organization.       
      World War I was the first war of its kind. It caused appalling  loss of life and property. About 10 million solders were killed and 20 million people were  wounded. It lift millions of refugees.  Death of many soldiers caused dramatic low population growth and lack of manpower in the subsequent years. An estimated figure of 337 billion US $ was spent in the war. Borrowing and extra money printing brought  inflection.  The war changed the geopolitics of the world fever. New countries were formed and system of many government were killed and 20 million  people were wounded. It left millions of refugees. Death of many solders caused dramatic low population growth and lack of manpower in the subsequent years. An estimated figure of 337 billion US $ was spent in the wary. Borrowing and extra money printing brought inflection.  The war changed the geopolitics of the world forever. New counties were formed and systems of many governments were changed. Communists rose to power as in Russia. Women's activation forced by the war ultimately gained for the suffrage and other political rights in many countries.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Load Shedding

Load Shedding
      Power generators have limited capacities. When demand of electricity in a certain area exceeds its generation, the supply is to be cut temporarily as a method of reducing the demand on the generators. This temporary reduction in electricity supply is known as load shedding and less formally power cut. Peak load shedding hours are early evenings and mornings when most bulbs are lit and most home appliances are in use.
      Power is a very important daily need of modern life. Without it, life cannot run normally. Radios, TVs, computers, rice cookers and other home appliances don’t operate. With power cut, supply of drinking water, etc. is halted. Rooms cannot be heated or cooled. Records are lost and valuable machines break down when the power cut is sudden and uninformed. Nights sinks in complete darkness with no bulb illuminating. People with criminal motives are active in load shedding hours at night. Narrow passages and streets are very insecure. Road accidents go up. Electrically powered vehicles are halted. Schools and colleges cannot give their morning and evening classes particularly and students cannot do their homework either. Even emergency batteries cannot be full-charged in the time of long- hour load shedding. Shrinking entertainment and recreational opportunities force people to stay idle and bored.
      Regular load shedding has very serious impact in the overall economic activities of a country. Overall earning opportunities for the people are limited. Factory productions fall and markets shrink. Running cost of business corporations such as, cinemas, hotels and lodges rises enormously  as they e by generating power through diesel-fed generators.
As a result their business falls or the price increases. However, battery makes and traders make their good days. Even the sale of candles goes up.

      Despite its rich potential for hydropower, there is not enough power available in Nepal. Limited large-scale hydro- projects are based on snow-fed rivers or natural ponds collecting rainwater. Load shedding is growing with expanding cities and overambitious transmissions. Even in rainy seasons, our generators cannot produce enough to meet the demands. The are worse in dry winter when power is available for less one third of the day.
      It’s a real irony that Nepal with the potential of 83,000 MW of hydroelectricity has regular and long-hour load shedding. This is the  result of our irresponsible leadership which otherwise would have worked at least to meet the internal demand, if not for export. Now it is very urgent to make both short-term and  long-term efforts for eliminating load shedding. Immediate demands can be fulfilled only by importing power from neighbors. So consumers must be made aware about the need of minimizing the power consumption and its vital methods. Production should be raised in every possible way. At the same time must also look further ahead. Utilizing foreign aid, sole large-scale projects should be started immediately so that e needs will be fulfilled more easily. We should invite foreign investment in this sector, too and start small-scale with local efforts.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Nepal Tourism Year 2011

Nepal Tourism Year 2011
          Nepal is a country of wonderful natural and cultural combinations. Its natural environment remain quite less altered by modernization while its inhabitants are growingly hospitable. This diverse country has a huge potential for tourism chiefly for its challenging mountains and rivers, great variety of beautiful scenery, good varied climate, rich animal and plant life, interesting cultures and large unemployed workforce.
        Nepal is now one of the best tourist destinations in the world. It has been visited annually by a large number of tourists for more than a half century. Aspirants from round the globe choose this gifted country for various purposes that include mountain climbing, trekking, bird watching, mountain flight, rock climbing, paragliding, mountain biking, jungle safari and cultural observations, and environmental as well anthropological researches.
        Because tourism has enormous advantages and is now one of the major economic activities of the world, Nepal has embarrassed the policy of increasing both the number of the visitors and their average length of stay. In 1998, it observed ‘Visit Nepal Year’ with lofty aim of receiving a half million tourists in the year, which was almost fully hit. But the ongoing internal conflict thereafter caused a horrible decline in the tourist turnouts in the country. So need of a campaign for reviving the country’s tourist industry was strongly felt as the peace process started in 2006. In this direction, decision came from the first meeting of the Constitute Assembly on May 28, 2008 to celebrate ‘Nepal Tourism Year’ in 2011. It was officially initiated by the nation’s first President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav amidst a grand function held in  Kathmandu on 14 January 2011. The main target of the plan was to receive one million tourists in the year. In addition, the nation aimed at developing Nepal as a choice of premier holiday destination, improving and developing tourism related infrastructures, enhancing the capacity of service providers, building community capacity to host tourists and promoting the sustainability of domestic tourism.
        The campaign started with the slogan ‘Together for Tourism’ and the tourism brand ‘Naturally Nepal, Once is not enough’. For the success of the ambitious plan, the government adopted various strategies that include exploration of new potential tourism markets, focus on marketing and promotion of activities, expansion of domestic and international air links, encouragement of private sector in tourism, capacity building of manpower involved in tourism, development of tourism related infrastructures, organization of sports/events throughout the tourism year.
        However, the scheme that came during the transitional period could not naturally be carried out as smoothly as expected. Overall progress thus was quite meager. The country’s deplorable political instability had very serious effects on the execution of the programmes. Frequently reshuffled governments seemed almost indifferent. Even the ‘tourist hubs continued to witness frequent strikes and bandhs. Many of the set strategies could not actually be carried out. Publicity remained quite limited. General public could not be turned enthusiastic and hospitable. It was not surprising that the efforts made by business organizations were Insufficient. As a result, the non-Indian tourist arrivals by air in the first six months’ stood hardly at 2,25,000. This figure gives a clear indication to the ‘failure’ of the programme.
Nepal Tourism Year 2011 did have some important benefits and positive implications. Tourist arrivals rose ‘though less than targeted. It was an important step towards the revival of the country’s declining tourist industry. Several tourist areas were somehow conserved. Commitments for improvements were made by the government, public and private sector. Tourism-related events were organized in various places. Some communities made their good days through homestay, programmes. Above all, it gave a message to the visitors that Nepal is again becoming safe for visits. It also clarified the bare fact that only a programmme with enough preparations and effective implementation mechanism can help realize our  huge tourism potential.

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment
        In the past, a person's position was determined by might. Because men were more active in earning, fighting, running a business and so on, they commanded superior position in the society. Many of the world's cultures were patriarchal. They were necessarily founded on the ground of gender discrimination. So women played passive and subservient role in the family and society. Absence of women's participation in the public affair continued for centuries. They are denied voting rights and paternal property rights until 20th century or even later.
        Now both perspectives and standards are becoming fairer. Muscle power alone cannot determine a person's position in our time, the age of justice and inclusion. The fact that women are not less capable than their male partners, at least in emotional and intellectual aspects, has been universally recognized. Women are no longer going to accept their inferior and submissive role either. They want to be much more than mere housewives and mothers.
        The world is also aware that development is not efficient and sustainable without women's predication. A family treating women as passive and subservient members is not likely to prosper  in the modern time Women must have autonomy over their destiny. They must be enabled to take decisions free from their destiny. They must be enabled to take decisions free from coercion and intimidation.  They must get equal treatment in workplace. Preference to son must end to control the existing high birth rates.
        Gender equality is thus one of the major concerns of our time. Democracies demand more active and effective role of women. They have policies to end gender discriminations at all levels. There are campaigns for the empowerment of women. As a result, in the recent past some remarkable changes have taken place, at least in the legal and political levels. Some women have enjoyed better treatment and participation in public affairs.
        Despite all this, gender discrimination remains an utter reality in practice. The situations are worse in developing countries like ours. It has been very difficult to implement legal managements and political commitments, The society is not free from cultural prejudices that tend to heavily curb women’s freedom. Reservations in parliament or civil service have been taken merely as generosity but not responsibility. Ordinary women suffer ill health, poor literacy and exclusion. Most highest posts in offices and business companies are held by men.
        Women empowerment is a step towards the final goal of gender equality. Reservation cannot be a golden measure for raising women’s status, We must rather work for making them capable in real sense. So women education must get priority. The educated women will be capable to compete with men so that they need no more mercy. It is equally important to rescue women from male-dominated cultures which maintain that women can never be equal to men. Role of enlightened individuals, political parties and media is vital in advocating gender equality. Children should be introduced to non-sexist culture from their early age. To sum up, the campaign against gender discrimination needs to continue for several years to come.

Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse
       Drug abuse refers to the deliberate use of an illegal drug for its psychotropic  purpose. It may also include too much use of a prescribed drug for the similar purpose. the state of being dependent on drugs is known as drug dependence for drug addiction. Once a person is addicted, it is quite difficult for him to get away. Drugs are taken in different forms - some are sniffed,  some are taken orally and others are taken  intravenously. Drug abuse is becoming a  menace  worldwide.
        Several circumstances lead people to start taking drugs. Youths, who are more curious but ignorant are most vulnerable. Many get pressure from their bad company. They are also urged by agents and distributors. Some have misconception that drugs remove all tension and lack of employment and recreational opportunities encourage  youths to taste drugs. As in our society, some people start taking some drugs such as ganja as a religious tradition. Likewise, many people are involved in the extraction and trafficking of drugs, through illegal, because they make high profit from these businesses. It is difficult to control the illegal drugs trade because the smugglers, who also run legal businesses and are rich enough to bribe police, use their own aircrafts and secret routes. In addition, the users have very intense demands and certain drugs are legal in certain countries.
        Drug abuse has serious impacts on individual, family and society. Drugs babbly deteriorate the health of the users who lose confidence in the future and have a realization of responsibilities. Instead, they feel guilty of not fulfilling duties or involving in criminal activities. They suffer from decreased ability and interest to work but are forced to generate money in every possible way. They also get isolated from their family and normal friend's drug taking, mainly intravenously, also leaves them vulnerable to HIV infection. On the other hand, the family gets no more support from drug takers. Instead, they have anxiety and tension. Most drug addicts are of working age. When they are indifferent to their duties, the country's economy may be badly affected. At the same time, many criminal activities are drugs induced and the addict's care and treatment are big problem and burden for all.
        In this modern age everyone has challenges to protect oneself from the dangers. We must know that drugs are never dietary substances and are by no means solution to our problem. They are great killers so everyone should always say 'no' to drugs even if we are lonely, frustrated or their intimate friends persuade.  Families, societies and countries  have important part to play. Farmers tending to cultivate crops such as hemp and poppy should be encouraged with subsidies  to cultivate food crops. Moe strict laws should be made and implemented effectively. Cross border movements should be strictly watched. Young people should be provided with recreational opportunities. The countries at large  should work jointly to control production, transpiration, distribution and  use of such poisons.   

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dowry System

Dowry System
            When we live in societies, we are mutually benefices we have made accomplishments with civilization an development. But due to our superstition, ignorance and certain tradition and customs, we have also by-produced several social evils. ‘Dowry system is one of the serious evil practices of our society. 
            Hindu social structure is predominantly patriarchal. After marriage, the brides have to go to live in their husbands home. Originally, women were greatly honored and worshipped in the family and society. Parents had profound love for the daughters and offered her money, furniture, clothes, etc. which the detached daughter could use for her good. But in the course of time, Nepalese society began to be unduly dominated  by males. Now there are not similar standards for both male female in our society. Females are suppressed and exploited in many ways. The practice of giving wealth as a sacred token of love and farewell to daughters when given away in marriage taking an evil form. Dowry now has become a compulsion, not choice and a hearty gift. It has been taken by many as primary to bride.
            Dowry system is developing as a serious problem in the so-called higher castes and aristocratic families. Often it has disastrous effects. A good girl without a good dowry is not duly honored. A girl from poor parents has to curse her fate. She feels insecure and humiliated. Parents are compelled to collect huge dowry beyond their economic capacity and at the risk of   possible bankruptcy. In the Terai situations are mach worse. If is a prestige to make an open bargaining for dowry (dahej). Families are found competing for dowries. Some greedy grooms run away right from the mandap if it seems that they are not getting the expected dowry. Many women fail to lead a happy conjugal life due to dowry system.
            Remarkable number of suicides and murders are accounted for dowry. Many married women are subject to mental and physical torture for their poor dowry. .They are assaulted, imprisoned,. hanged or burnt alive in kerosene, Even pregnant women are not protected. Many commit suicide when the torture s intolerable. Those neglected by their own family are vulnerable to more suppressions and exploitations in the society. Many parents are found arranging their daughters’ marriage early before getting. Them educated o that a small dowry will do.
            Dowry system is a shameful practice of our society. In spite of many commitments for its abolition,-the practice remains reality. Strong legislation and massive awareness campaign can be two’ vital measures in this regard. The offenders must be tried and punished. The victims should have easy access to free legal services. Parents should be motivated t invest for the career of their daughters. They should understand that even huge dowry cannot support for the happy life of their daughters if they are’ no educated, skilled and self-dependent. The most iportar1t thing is to work towards women empowerment. As long as there is gender discrimination, the evil practice of dowry system will prevail in the society. So we should work towards creating gender equality. Women should reach the decision making level and executive mechanism. Everyone, more importantly the youths, must be committed to uproot this evil practice.


          Corruption refers to any of the immoral and illegal acts, performed by a person holding certain public post, against. The moral and legal responsibility of his authority. It is thus dishonest act of a responsible person. Misdeeds such as bribery embezzlement, favourism and forgery are some common form of corruption. In poorer countries corruption is often high Corruption has serious impacts on social harmony as well a developmental processes.
        Corruption is now a worldwide problem. Annually Transparency International makes measurement of corruption. level worldwide. Its index is known as Corruption Perception  Index (CPI), which is expressed in the number between 1and 10 Number 5 is the mean so that the countries with higher value are considered those with corruption at its problematic level.
        Corruption brings serious social disharmony. Those which misuse their power or bribe those in power may progress overnight. They boast upon their power and money Extravagance grows in their celebrations and ritual observations and it brings pressure to the life of ordinary citizens. Besides, service provision is poor and development activities remain obstructed due the same evil of, corruption’ Democracy is easily foiled by high level of corruption.
        Nepal is among the countries with high corruption ii According to a survey, corruption was stated as the first problem of the country, unemployment being the second. Lack transparency, poverty and low salary, and unaware public can be cited as the major causes behind it. When there is no system of keeping decisions and activities transparent, power holders tend to misuse their power. When economic condition is poor and remuneration is low, they cannot maintain their standard and for this have to find other sources of income, even, indecent, illegal, and unauthorized ones. If power is centralized the person in power is more likely to be corrupt. Strong civil societies are required to watchdog the’ follies and mistakes of those in power. Lack of the same encourages corruption.
        Because corruption is a political, social and a serious social problem, we must work to uproot it. The role of the government is very vital in this regard. When it is committed for public welfare and strives for the same, corruption can be highly curbed., If corruption is a social and political crime, criminals should be penalized strictly. In China corruption is controlled remarkably due to strong laws- One proved guilty can even be executed. Good governance and political stability are essential for transparency and accountability.
        When life style becomes heavily luxurious, people are. under psychological pressure for obtaining it. So voidance of extra-luxury can discourage them from trying to earn .through illegal and immoral sources. Our Commission of the Investigation of Abuse of Authority which has been set for’ controlling corrui5tion behavior should be made more resourceful and efficient. Well-organized civil societies can always force the government to be accountable and in favour of public welfare. Awareness and publicity among ruled and rulers can prepare everyone concerned to contribute to the campaign of corruption control. The public should also be united to boycott corrupt officials.

Anglo-Nepal War

Anglo-Nepal War
        Since their arrival in India, the English colonizers had been attracted to Nepal. They were tempted mainly by Nepal’ cool climate, natural resources such as forests and its cross a position between India and Tibet. However, their plan couldn’t be carried out immediately. While the English were s’ expanding their colonies in India, Nepal was being unified: Ti unification was naturally against their interest. Nepal’s growing army strength was looked upon by the English as a threat. Besides military build ups at home, Bhimsen Thapa had wanted ‘to drive tie English people away not only from India but also from the whole continent. He had been trying to form a union of Asian states, including Maratha and Punjab with due understanding established with them. So Bhimsen Thapa’s activities were highly opposed to the interest of the English. But, the defeated Baise and Chaubise kings, taking shelter in India, spared’ no pains to instigate the English to go in war with Nepal and to defeat it so that they could regain their lost territories.
        The English authorities were only seeking for a suitable moment to attack Nepal. So they picked dispute over the issue of two states Butwal and Syuraj under Nepal, that had been annexed together with Palpa at the time of unification operations. The English Governor, Marquis of Hastings sent a threatening letter to the government of Nepal for the immediate return of these states to them. But Bhimsen Thapa was not a coward administrator to yield to the threat. Nepal was firm not  to part with Butwal and Syuraj. As the result, the  Governor General, on November 1, 1814 war with Nepal      
        The war went on for nearly about two years. Nepali warriors fought bravely and resisted the English attack in many places such as Jalapeno and Jitgadh gallantly. Still the overall. development of the war went against Nepal. Bhimsen Thapa had expected help from Punjab, Gwaliyar and Maratha but in vain. So Nepal was compelled to sign a surrender treaty i.e. the Sugauli Treaty under humiliating circumstances on December 2, 1815. The treaty was handed over to the East India Company with King’s approval only on March 4, i8i6. According to the treaty, Nepal had to relinquish one-third, of the total territory including cool places such as Kumaon, Gadhwal, Nainital and Darjeeling. Following the treaty, the Indian ambassadors to Nepal interfered in the internal affairs of Nepal in the face of opposition made from time to time by the Governor Generals. As the Nepali warriors came back from the battlefield, they indulged in politics of conspiracy for power. As agreed in the treaty, Nepali youths were increasingly recruited into the British army.
        The treaty, however, had some advantages for Nepal. It marked the end of the Anglo-Nepal conflict. The two sides became friendly and mutual cooperation started in the subsequent years. Nepal could prevent the further loss of its territory and life and property by agreeing upon the treaty.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Child Rights

          All people from their birth to the age of puberty a children. They are all delicate, innocent and dependent. They are not capable of making right decisions. They need good support from their family and society. Children occupy an important portion of every population. The future of the nation high depends upon the level of care being provided to its children who are sensitive and receptive. Actually children are the future, builders of their nation and everyone has responsibility to contribute to their all-round development.
DSCN1769-1          The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 L recognized various rights for the survival, development protection and participation of children. According to it, children (from conception to i8 years of age) have a right t, name and nationality and care within a family, including good health care and nutrition. They also have, a right to good preparation for life including a stimulating education e— opportunities for games and sports and creativity. Children have a right to be protected from mistreatment or exploitation and to special provision if they are handicapped or orphans. J Finally they have right ‘to freedom ‘of expression, thought conscience and religion.
          Most countries of the world including Nepal ‘have signed the UN convention expressing their commitment to protect a’- promote the various rights of their children as laid down in it. But the condition of children in most parts of the world is good. Child labour’ still continues to remain a serious w problem. The UN estimates have stated that by the year ‘there were 375 million child labourers worldwide. Most of them in underdeveloped countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Most child labourers work long hours for small wages and are Unable to have any education and health care. Many are victims of sexual abuse as well.
DSCN1761-1          Nepal alone has over 2 million child labourers who fulfill about ‘15% of the total workforce of the country. They work in factories, farms and households in various conditions of hardship, deprivation and danger. Some are even bonded as slaves. Most of these child labourers are vulnerable to physical and mental torture.- Thousands of orphans, homeless and deserted children are living in the street. Even those few sheltered in child centers are not secure and well-cared. To worsen the situation, every year, thousands of girls are trafficked
IMG_3334IMG_3345         In India childrens are made to serve as prostitutes. During the conflict period,, some were used as militants. Also many of the ordinary children living with their parents are diseased, malnourished and deprived of good educational facilities.
          The government has the main responsibility of guaranteeing the rights of all children. Now the constitution has recognized child rights as a fundamental right. There are several acts and regulations such as the Children Act 2048. Many NGO’s and INGO’s have programmes to support theneedy children. But our enforcement has always remained poor. Poverty, ignorance and insincere leadership stand as great challenges. Our enforcement mechanism must be made strong and effective so that our own efforts and those from international child rights agencies such as UNICEF and ILO can turn meaningful. Sincere efforts should be made to raise the economic level of many families in rural areas. Parents should also know the importance of proper childcare. To sum up, we all have parts to play for shaping the future of our children in a proper way.

Nepal's most viewed sites

1. (It gives you information about your exam results, directory sansar, study sansar, entertainment sansar, social networking, support sansar and many more………….)
2. (It gives you all the information about public service commission like exam notices, curriculums and many more)
3. (it is the official site of Nepal telecom which includes all the activities of telecom)
4. (It is the site of Nepal Electricity authority which includes Nepal electricity authority missions and activity)
5. (It is the official site for higher secondary education board Nepal)

Indian Freedom Fighting Movement

Bhagat Singh
Indian freedom fighter Bhagat Singh, at the age of 21 in jail.
East India Company Sepoys (Indian infantrymen) in red coats outside Tipu Sultan's former summer palace inBangalore, 1804.
Gandhi on the Salt March.

          The Indian Freedom Fighting Movement is a long nationalist movement of non-violence for the independence of India from the British colonial rule, that was ultimately achieved in 1947. The movement also came for the partition of Indian’s territory along religious lines to form of a separate independent country Pakistan that also included the present day Bangladesh till 1971.
Gandhi in 1918, at the time of the Kheda and Champaran satyagrahas.
Blowing from Guns in British India (1884) by Vasily Vereshchagin.
Forced disarmament of cavalry of Berhampore.
          Many years ago, the English traders had come to India for trade. British East India Company established in about 1600 took administrative powers as well until an armed uprising (1857-59), an unsuccessful Indian soldiers’ revolt against English activities. For the nationalists the uprising was the first revolution while the English people called it the sepoy mutiny. The revolution was suppressed immediately but its effects continued to last till the independence was declared. Following this event, British government took over the total governance.
          The Indian National Congress was founded by Indian elites in 1885 with an aim to have democratic reforms under the British rule. Under its nationalist movement, the party called for the Swarajya (self-government)’in 1905. In 1906, the Muslim League was founded by elite Muslims to fight for their cause. The India Councils Act in 1909 came to enforce a level of self- government in India. However, the nationalists continued their movement believing that the reforms ‘intended to defuse the nationalist sentiment’. In 1919, about 400 unarmed civilians of the peaceful protest of Satyagraha were brutally killed in Amritsar by the British authority.
Gandhi at Dandi, April 5, 1930.
          Following the Amritsar Massacre, Mahatma Gandhi staged a non-cooperation movement in 1920. The participants of  the movement were to give up governmental posts and functions, stop sending their children to schools and deny accepting any honor, award or title. But Gandhi abruptly stopped the movement when some protestors set fire on a police post killing inspector and 25 soldiers. By 1929, the Indian National ress had been determined for total independence of India. 1930, it started a civil disobedience movement. Gandhi led  of India. In 1930, it started a civil disobedience movement. Gandhi led a famous Dandi March, with 78 of his followers, to make  salt to protest the laws on goods such as salt. Gradually, the movement spread up throughout the country.
Indigo dye factory in Bengal. Bengal was the world's largest producer of natural indigo in the 19th century.
Subhas Chandra Bose
The Government of India Act agreed in 1935 established autonomous legislative bodies in the provinces. By the end of 9, marry Congress ministers resigned as a protest against the Germany in World War II without consulting them. In 1942, they went for the ‘Quit India’ movement demanding the English to leave India as their stay seemed to invite Japanese attacks. Thousands of protestors along with Gandhi were imprisoned and the Congress party was banned. In 1944, Gandhi was released but he could not establish mutual agreement with Muhammad Ali  Jinnah, fearful of Hindu dominations. In June 1945, Jawaharlal Nehru led an intern government which also included representatives of Jinnah’s legue later.
First session of Indian National Congress, Bombay, 28-31, December, 1885.
          Following the end of World War II there were general elections in Britain. The Labour Party got landslide victory I its leader Clement Richard Attlee was appointed prime minister Shortly after, the government had the Indian Independence Act passed. Lord Louis Mountbatteri was sent to a as the last viceroy to complete the process. The Muslim League was very firm in its' demand for separate state. One day before the Indian Independence Act came into effect on August) 15,1947, Pakistan came into being as a spilt. On November 26,1949, the Indian Constituent Assembly introduced a republican constitution. The assembly restructured later as provisional parliament elected Rajendra Prasad as the first President and as the first Prime Minister of the Republic.
Capture of Bahadur Shah Zafar and his sons by William Hodson at Humayun's tomb on 20 September 1857.
Secundra Bagh after the slaughter of 2,000 Rebels by the 93rd Highlanders and 4th Punjab Regiment. Albumen silver print by Felice Beato, 1858.